3D Modelling and rendering: SITU3D Group

Designer: Gaoga soft loading design

Software:3DMAX CR4.0 PS ·




Specular zenith reflecting

Superimposed on an icy simplicity

Use black-white to blur lines

Intersperse them with color

A glossy siliver mirror

Quiet and bright in the sun

Neutral reason surrounds hall

Settle the trifles of work

Bold bright orange

Bring new surprises in light

Solid blue complements orange

Otherside extreme of beauty

In the hollowness of the press

Overlapping bloom tension of red-green

Separate but conflicting

Collision to shining up

Colorful rich intersection space

As dancing in the plain

Curved collage patches

Random breaks the grayish flatness


One side dust-free extreme

Other side burst enthusiasm

Collision and cross become focus

Definition but without limition

Simplicity doesn’t mean constancy

In category creat is individuality

Glass rendered into gradient

Fold white up like illusion-mist

Through a variety of color shading

The flat office area has a character

Yet in the personality of eye

Seriousness and composure are still there


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